PCB layouts
Pavol Lajciak has created PCB layouts and contributed them to the project under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike license. His web site also has a Slovak translation.


Images and Eagle files
Here are the USB-IR-Boy and Prommer PCBs in Eagle format.
- USB-IR-Boy - all files below compressed in tarball
- USB-IR-Boy (schematic, png)
- USB-IR-Boy (board from component side, png)
- USB-IR-Boy (Eagle schematic, sch)
- USB-IR-Boy (Eagle board, brd)
- USB-IR-Boy Prommer (schematic, png)
- USB-IR-Boy Prommer (board from component side, png)
- USB-IR-Boy Prommer (Eagle schematic, sch)
- USB-IR-Boy Prommer (Eagle board, brd)
- Motorola (Freescale) processor library for Eagle - motorola_hc08.lbr
If you want to edit the schematics or the PCBs, you will need to install the motorola_hc08.lbr library into your Eagle library folder (will be /opt/eagle/lbr/ if Eagle is installed under /opt/eagle/).
http://www.cadsoft.de (manufacturer of Eagle software)